Adaptive RESILIENCE for Emergency Services
Supporting psychological preparedness, adaptation and coping in relation to COVID-19 for front-line responders.
Introduction to Project ARES by Prof. Laurence Alison -
Lead of the University’s Psychological Resource Network (PRN)
Project ARES brings together professional, clinical and academic expertise from across the University as well as from a range of international operational experts with extensive experience of dealing with critical incidents to mobilise resources and enhance the provision of existing services currently supporting a range of users.
This is a live project, pulling together the experts from the field with the latest research to create new resources to specifically address the challenges faced by frontline workers responding to COVID-19. New content will be added to this site continually, so please continue to check back for updates.
Project ARES covers 5 key areas: Decision- making, sharing experiences, stress & resilience, communication and contains a specially build debriefing tool for frontline NHS staff.
Thank you to the NHS for their response during the Covid-19 crisis.
Project ARES was created with the support of the University of Liverpool and the University of Massachusetts Lowell.